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Home Safety and Occupational Health programs OSHA General industry standards

OSHA General industry standards Register

الاوشا للصناعات العامة

OSHA Course
The course contains:


1- OSHA General industry standards:


*osha definition.

* Work on Walking and Working Surfaces

* .Means of Egress.

*basics of electricity hazards

*Machine Safeguards .

*Fire Prevention Procedures

* .The principles of occupational safety and health .

*The preparation of statistics on accidents and work-related injuries

* occupational health and environmental control methods (with a focus on the dangers of hazardous


* plans for health and safety protection inside institutions.

* Dealing With Compressed gas and cylinders. .

* Personal protective Equipment (PPE)

* .Dealing with emergency crisis .

•Documentation and review of safety authorities.

* Flammable and Combustible Liquids.

* Handling and storage of hazardous materials.

* Writing and keeping records.

* protection from the risk of falling .

*Chemical hazards.

* Safety and rescue equipments in work sites .

*Personal protection from diseases transmitted through blood and body fluids .

*The safety of welding and cutting .

*lock-out of energy sources.

* Fire prevention and control.

* comprehensive overview about fire extinguishers .


* ladder of individuals in fire .


* Working within confined and semi-enclosed places.



max number of attendances 10

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